
Important Information About Hospital Visitation Guidelines

Effective April 1, 2024

Effective April 1, 2024, masking is optional at all 麻豆传媒官方入口 locations for staff, providers, patients, visitors, volunteers and vendors.

Please note:

  • Masking may still be required for certain patients on standard infection prevention protocols, and/or on units responsible for the care of vulnerable patients at the determination of each site.
  • Masks continue to be available to staff, providers, patients, visitors, volunteers and vendors in our facilities.
  • Masking is requested of all patients who present with respiratory symptoms, if tolerated, as well as all staff members and providers caring for them.
  • Should a patient request their caregivers wear a mask, staff and providers are expected to comply.

Please help us stop the spread of contagious respiratory illnesses.

Please defer your visit to another day:

  1. If you have a fever or have felt feverish in the last 24 hours or are experiencing COVID-19 or flu-like symptoms. Possible symptoms include, but are not limited to:
    • Fever or chills
    • Cough
    • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
    • Fatigue
    • Muscle or body aches
    • Headache
    • New loss of taste or smell
    • Sore throat
    • Congestion or runny nose
    • Nausea or vomiting
    • Diarrhea
  2. If you have been diagnosed with COVID-19 (or another contagious respiratory illness, such as influenza or RSV), within the last 10 days.
  3. If you have had close contact with someone with COVID-19 infection (or another contagious respiratory illness) in the last 10 days and cannot wear a mask – even if you are asymptomatic.

When visiting our facility, all visitors are expected to adhere to the following safety recommendations:

  • Clean your hands before and after your visit.
  • Maintain physical distance.

Thank you for your cooperation and your efforts to help keep our patients, staff and communities safe.

Visit your local hospital’s page for more details:

For a full list of 麻豆传媒官方入口 hospitals and facilities please visit our Locations page.